Saturday, October 30, 2010

Playground Fun!

The weather has been so nice lately! On Friday, we got a chance to go to the playground at our school! We had a blast!
DeAsia LOVES the swings!

Eliana was so determined to climb to the top of the jungle gym so that she could slide down the cork screw! With a little help from Ms. Malcom and Mrs. Stowe, she was able to do it!

Joyria is always ready to pose for the camera!

Tony loved playing on the jungle gym!

This is a beautiful picture of Enoch! I had to share!

Santoes taking a short break from playing!

Lucy, Santoes, and DeAsia swinging!

I would say that the jungle gym is a class favorite!

Lucy always enjoys playing with her friends!

Ms. Malcom and Enoch!

Lucy was such a great friend, as usual, and helped Enoch hang from the high bar!

DeAsia sharing a hug with Ms. Malcom!

Tony and Jameer enjoying the sunshine!

We got back inside and discovered that Joyria had picked a flower! So sweet!

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