Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fun Fantastic Friday- Brown Bear, Brown Bear!

Last Friday, our Fun Fantastic Friday activity focused on the popular story Brown Bear, Brown Bear! This is one of my favorite stories to read each year!
First, we read Brown Bear, Brown Bear on the ActivBoard!

Then, everyone was given a color word. They had to color their color word the appropriate color and place it on our "Color Word Name" chart. Santoes did a great job and went over all of our colors!

Finally, it was time for our Fun Fantastic Friday activity. I guess you can tell who the "Class STARfish" was this week! Way to go Eliana!

For our Fun Fantastic Friday activity, we made our own "brown bear" sundaes!

Eliana did a great job passing out everything that was needed to make our sundaes!

DeAsia loved making her "brown bear". She was even more exited to eat it!

After adding "ears" (cookies) as well as a nose and eyes (butterscotch chocolate chips), it was time to add brown sprinkles to make our bear look like the brown bear from the story!

The finished product. Too cute!

Tony smiled the entire time his sprinkles were added!

Enoch thought his "brown bear" sundae was YUMMY!

Mr. Marcus, our OT, came by at the end of our Fun Fantastic Friday activity. Little did we know, he is a great guitarist! He played a few songs for us. We had a blast!

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