Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fun Fantastic Friday- Kites!

Last Friday, for Fun Fantastic Friday, Mrs. Stowe planned for us to fly kites. First we read a story about flying kites. Since Jameer was the "Class STARfish", he was able to be Mrs. Stowe's helper!

Jameer did an amazing job helping Mrs. Stowe read a book about Dora the Explorer and kites! After reading the story, we took our new kites outside to try to fly them! We aren't crazy! There actually was a little breeze! Ha! Ha!

Lucy and Mrs. Stowe trying to get the kite to fly!

Jameer put a lot of thought into how to get the kite to fly!

One time I looked over and saw Mrs. Higdon running with a long line of children running behind her. It was the cutest site! That is one dedicated teacher!

Mr. Marcus, our OT, also came out to help!

Mr. Marcus, Mrs. Stowe, and Santoes waiting for a breeze!

Joyria enjoyed playing with the ball!

What a fun day! Thanks Mrs. Stowe!

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