Sunday, February 23, 2014

Learning About Food Chains!

Learning about food chains was so much fun and very interesting. We learned about producers, consumers, predators, and prey. We even got the chance to make a poster of one of the food chains, from the ocean, that we learned about!

First, we had to paint our habitat (ocean)!

Then, we placed pictures of our plants and animals!

The last thing we did was review the ocean food chain that we read about in our story. We drew lines to represent the food chain!

Our finished products were so beautiful and we learned so much!

Special Olympics Bowling!

We had such a wonderful time this year at our Special Olympics Bowling events. Our kids love to bowl and they are very good at it!

It was little Miss Jayda's first time bowling. The ball was just about as big as her, but she carried it like a professional!  :-) 

Sweet girls!

Oh Santoes!

These three get an award for "Most Supportive Team". They cheered each other on the entire game. They are such great friends!

Tony has gotten so much better since last year. He even bowled a few strikes!

Ms. Malcom's sister, Kelli, now works at Flint Hill Elementary. It is fun when they get to see each other at Special Olympics!

Ha! Ha! Shoe tying gone bad!

There is nothing more fun than getting to sit in the very back of the big bus!

South Salem Can Drive!

This year, our class was in charge of the South Salem Can Drive. We encouraged students to bring cans (to donate to a local food pantry) and picked up the cans, outside of their classrooms, every morning. We really enjoyed this task and South Salem students donated a lot of cans. It's a great feeling to be able to help others. I'm glad our class got to experience it!

Thanks to all who contributed to make this year's can drive a HUGE success!!

Veteran's Day!

For Veteran's Day, we made cards for two of our favorite veterans. Mrs. Coard (Erica's mom) and Mrs. Stowe's mom both served in the United States Air Force. We wanted to show them how special they are to us and how much we appreciate their service!