Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cute Pictures From This Week!

Santoes contemplating what will go next on his plot circle for the story, Mouse's Birthday!

Joyria is so sweet to Miss Piggy! She enjoys petting Miss Piggy every morning! Miss Piggy loves it too!

A silly face from Aaron! Ha! Ha!

Mrs. Stowe and La'Shawn time! :-)

La'Shawn and Santoes are Best Buds!

Enoch had an amazing day on Wednesday! Ms. Malcom was so proud of him!

Mrs. Stowe and Aaron having a blast at Calendar Time!

What is Enoch thinking about?

La'Shawn is working so hard on walking with his walker! Ms. Malcom was very proud of his hard work!

DeAsia has learned the classroom responsibilities and recites them for the class each day!

Due to great behavior, La'Shawn was able to sit in the rocking chair during Calendar Time!

What a GREAT week!! Enjoy your Spring Break! :-)

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