Sunday, May 5, 2013

Working on our Special Olympics Banner!

Weeks before our Special Olympics Parade, we began working on our banner. For the parade and banner competition, each school must have a banner. The theme this year was "Climbing to New Heights". The first thing that came to mind was Dr. Suess' book, Oh, the Places You'll Go!. So, that's the theme we chose for our banner!

We were eager to get started. Eliana, Tony, and Lynec helped with painting the banner!

Eliana took this whole banner-making experience to heart. She stood over Ms. Malcom when she worked on it and gave her orders as to how it should be painted. Eliana is very artistic so she was responsible for drawing the little man that stood at the top of the mountain. She did a great job!

Looking good!

Erica and Camren worked on the clouds that would go at the top of our banner. They loved this task!

The final product looked so good. We have some very talented kids. We can't wait to show it off at our Special Olympics Parade!

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