Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Week of Working Hard!

Our students have shown such great progress this year! I am so proud of them! All of this progress is due to their hard work! Below are a few pictures of them working hard. Of course, we still have fun!
La'Shawn and Mrs. Higdon work on sight words!

Lucy is learning to type sentences on the computer! She is doing so well and is so proud of herself!

Mrs. Stowe, Enoch, and Santoes make such a good team. While completing the number train floor puzzle, Santoes would identify the number and give it to Enoch. Enoch would then put the puzzle pieces together!

While reading this book, La'Shawn came across a page that showed a child yawning! Of course, La'Shawn showed us that he could yawn too! Ha! Ha!

Lucy has become quite the little "teacher" herself! At indoor recess, she decided to "teach" Enoch a few things!

Santoes was the TOP TOUCAN last week. Therefore, he was responsible for taking the lunch count to the cafeteria every day. Of course, Lucy was more than willing to show him the way!

Keep up the hard work everyone!

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