Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Playing the Mbira!

On Monday we read a story called A Lion on the Path. In this story, a farmer (in Africa) came across a fierce lion while walking on a path. The farmer had a mbira, a small musical instrument, that he played to calm the lion and escape. After reading the story, we broke up into groups and attempted to make our own "mbiras"!

Aaron LOVED making and playing his group's "mbira"!

Santoes practicing for his debut. He was chosen to play for his group!

Jonathan and La'Shawn trying out their "mbira"!

Aaron's group presenting their "mbira"!

I just love this picture of Jonathan! So cute!

The video below is of Jonathan and Santoes playing their "mbiras" to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". ENJOY!

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