Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Learning About Producers!

In Social Studies, our 3rd graders have been learning about Goods, Services, Producers, and Consumers. With a little help from a few of our friends from Ms. Frix's 3rd grade class, DeAsia and Joyria became "Producers".
First, they were required to "Produce" a Good (in this case it was an ornament). They painted their ornaments!

Since we learned that "Goods" are things that can be bought and sold, they were then required to determine, with assistance from their friends, how much they want to sell their ornament for! DeAsia and Joyria picked out the amount that they wanted and their friends counted it for them.

Lastly, they were required to create a price tag for the ornament that they produced!!

Thanks so much to our friends in Ms. Frix's 3rd grade class for assisting us with this project!! Way to go DeAsia and Joyria for "producing" such beautiful ornaments!

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