Friday, August 29, 2008

Adaptive PE with Mr. Wildman and Ms. Bell!

Boy, we love Mr. Wildman and Ms. Bell (our Adaptive PE coaches). All of the students in Adaptive PE look forward to seeing them and participating in the PE activities each week. In Adaptive PE, our students work on skills such as running or pushing their wheelchairs, throwing and catching balls, jumping, etc.
Below, Joyria is preparing to race across the room! She is a great runner! Everyone else waits so patiently for their turn!

Eliana (Enoch's sister) turns the jump rope with Mr. Wildman as they count to 10!

Claire prepares to run and jump over the jump rope!

Grace smiles as she pushes herself under the jump rope! She is cheered on by Mr. Wildman, Ms. Bell, and Ms. Stowe!

LaShawn tosses the ball to win points!

Adaptive PE is so much fun and a great way to work on our physical fitness skills! Thanks Mr. Wildman ("Coach") and Ms. Bell for all that you do for our students!

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