Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grass People!

In Science we have been learning about plants. So, of course we had to do some planting! :-)
For our plant project, we got out magazines and cut out faces that we liked. Then, we glued them on our cups!

We then filled our cups with potting soil!

Next, we added some grass seeds to our cups as well as a top layer of potting soil!

Throughout our lessons, we learned that plants need water to live. Therefore, we added water to our cups!

We also learned that plants need sun to live. We placed our cups in a window seal and waited for our grass to grow!

When I checked on our projects today, grass was sprouting from many of the cups. The purpose of adding the faces to the cups was to make "grass people", with the grass looking like hair! It looks like it will be another week or so before our "grass people" will need a hair cut! :-)

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