Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fun on the Playground!

With the recent weather, we haven't been able to go to the playground as often as we would like. Last week, I took my camera out with us and got some great pictures of the kids playing on the playground! As you can see, they had a blast!

Tanayry loves the swings! She says "Push Please" over and over!

Aaron obviously loves the swings too!

Santoes was so happy to be on the playground! What a big smile!

Mrs. Stowe and Lucy!

Tanayry loves for Mrs. Stowe to push her on the swings!


Aaron, Eliana, and Enoch climbing the jungle gym!

Enoch has such a beautiful smile!



Jonathan is so strong! He was able to hold on to this bar for a long time before asking to be let down! He was so proud of himself!


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