Tuesday, April 29, 2008

'Ss' Stands for Snake!

Today we had a very special visitor. Ms. Mallard, Ms. Ford's best friend and a paraprofessional in one of the Kindergarten classes at Fairview, brought her pet snake to school. She brought "Spot", the 15 year old python, to visit our class!

This is a close-up picture of "Spot"!

I thought that the students would be scared of "Spot". However, they definitely surprised me. Ms. Mallard asked if anyone wanted to pet "Spot". She also explained to the students how important it was to be very gentle when petting him. Eric was the first to pet "Spot".

Eric loved petting "Spot". As you can see in the background of the picture, Kayla had plenty of questions for Ms. Mallard regarding "Spot", including what kind of cage he lived in, what he ate, etc. She was a little unsure about petting him but was very intrigued by his presence in our classroom!

Tradarius was so happy to pet "Spot". He couldn't wait for his turn to pet him!

Lexi, who is usually unsure about trying new things, reached out her hand, with confidence, to pet "Spot"! I was very proud of her!

Tyrisha didn't know what in the world to think about "Spot"! Ms. Mallard also explained to the class that, although "Spot" is a nice snake, it is not safe to pet a snake if you see one outside because some are poisonous/ dangerous!

Lucy loved "Spot". She couldn't wait to get home and tell her mommy and big brothers about what she saw today at school!

Izaiah was also, surprisingly, very eager to pet "Spot"!

Ms. Malcom HELD "Spot"! This was her first time EVER holding a snake! Her face isn't red from fear. She is actually sun-burned. Ms. Malcom enjoyed holding "Spot" until he began wrapping himself around her wrists. Then, she was very happy to give him back to Ms. Mallard!

Thanks so much Ms. Mallard for bringing "Spot" to visit our class!

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