Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Birthdays Around the World!

Our unit for September was "Friends in Different Places". During this unit, we studied birthdays around the world. Each student was assigned a country. They were responsible to research their country, make a poster of their country's flag, and make a presentation to share the information, about how birthdays are celebrate in their country, with the class.

On the final day of our unit, we had a huge birthday celebration. We had lots of important visitors come to watch the students present their projects!

 The presentations were so wonderful. It was obvious that each student (with assistance from their families) worked very hard researching the information and creating their posters!

In class, we made a world map. Each student was able to show our visitors where their country was located on the map!

We learned that some of the countries celebrate their birthdays in really fun ways. Ava taught us that, in Brazil, they tug on the birthday boy or girl's ear and give them candy!

In Canada, they put grease on the nose of the birthday boy/ girl. While putting grease on Mrs. Dubois' nose, Erica snuck in a hug!

Marquis taught us that, in Norway, they dance and eat pie!

He chose Ava to dance with!

Tony taught us that, in Mexico, birthday parties are called fiestas. Birthday boys/ girls hit a pinata with their friends and lots of candy falls out!

Mettano taught us that, in Vietnam, the birthday boy/ girl gets lucky money!

Of course he collected lucky money from the friends in his class!

He even got lucky money from Mrs. Dubois!

Poor Jayda was sick the day of our presentations. She created a beautiful presentation for the United States. Ms. Malcom presented it for her!

Then... We all enjoyed a yummy birthday cake!


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