Saturday, March 7, 2009

Exceptional Children's Week Party!!!

On Friday we had our Exceptional Children's Week Party and at South Salem Elementary we KNOW how to Party!!
We had popsicles, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, the playground, a kickball game, and friends. What more did we need?
Even Mrs. Dubois (our principal) came out to Party with us! Below, Mrs. Dubois, Lucy, and La'Shawn play with the bubbles!

Wow Mrs. Dubois! That's one big bubble!

Aaron loved the bubbles! He sat there for a while trying to blow one!

The popsicles were a huge hit! Many students came back for seconds!

What a big smile Jordan has!

DeAsia loved her popsicle!

Sarah Grace smiles and waves for the camera before going to play with her good friend Lucy!

Even Coach Sloop was able to join our party!

DeAsia loves her Auntie (AKA- Mrs. Watson)!

Mrs. Foster takes time to chat with Aaron and Aiden!

Mrs. Higdon gives Coach Sloop his popsicle! I wonder what's so funny!

Ms. Malcom made sure that everyone got a popsicle! For a second there, she was a very popular lady! Ha! Ha!

Seth has a beautiful smile!

The sidewalk chalk was also a big hit! There were some very beautiful pictures drawn on the sidewalk!

Mr. Michael, with the help of a few others, helped lead the kickball game! Thanks!
Lucy playing kickball!

La'Shawn kicking the ball!

These big boys were so sweet! Whenever La'Shawn got to a base, they would raise their hands and yell "Safe"! How sweet!

They did it for the little kids too! Noah was "safe"!

Some of the students opted to play on the playground. Ms. Merry, one of DeAsia's dear friends, was nice enough to push DeAsia on the swing!

Ms. Culpepper pushed Brianna on the swing!

These boys (and girl) had a blast on the jungle gym!

Santoes had so much fun on the playground. He didn't want to get on the bus to go home!

As you can see, there was a lot of fun had by ALL!!! I want to Thank EVERYONE that helped make Exceptional Children's Week a success! I truly appreciate each one of you! Our students had a fabulous week, one that they truly deserved!
Love, Ms. Malcom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Y'all certainly DID throw a big party! I'm totally embarrassed to say Exceptional Children's week went by without being mentioned at my school. I don't any of us knew! But at the high school level, they don't like being "children" anyway. But I do think the school newspaper is working on a story to counter some of the local flack about kids going to Special Olympic bowling.