Thursday, March 20, 2008

Exceptional Children's Week Awards Ceremony!

On the final day of Exceptional Children's Week (Friday), our students were presented with awards for various reasons during an Awards Ceremony!

Lucy received a well-deserved award for Outstanding Class Participation!! Lucy always participates in class with enthusiasm. She works very hard and has come so far! Great Job Lucy!

Izaiah received the Calendar Helper award for being such a great helper at Calendar time! Izaiah does a wonderful job each day during Calendar time. He is responsible for leading our letter sound practice as well as our letter sound song! Way to go Izaiah!

Eric recieved the Handwriting Award! Eric has come so far in his handwriting skills this year! Wonderful Job Eric and Thanks so much Ms. Summers (Eric's mom) for working with him EVERY SINGLE NIGHT on his handwriting skills!

Lexi recieved an extra award for her Hard Work and Progress in Speech! Excellent Job Lexi!

Kayla received the Great Friend Award because she is such a great friend to all of the students in our class!! Thanks Kayla for being so kind!

Above are just some of the pictures from the Exceptional Children's Week Awards Ceremony! All of our students received awards! Lexi also recieved the SUPER Science Project Award. She turned in an amazing Science Project on tornados.

This was such a great day and a wonderful way to CELEBRATE our students!! Great Job to Lexi, Lucy, Tyrisha, Kayla, Tradarius, Eric, and Izaiah for all of your hard work and kindness!!!

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