Thursday, November 22, 2007

Our Class Pets!

I can't believe that I have not done this already but I need to introduce our class pets.
Miss Piggy (our Guinea Pig) has been with us for two years now! She loves to walk around the room as well as eat grass, carrots, apples, and Timothy Hay. The kids love to go outside and pick grass to feed to Miss Piggy. Eric especially loves Miss Piggy. He saves his apple and collects everyone else's from lunch everyday and puts them in her cage when we return to the room. It is so funny because some days she doesn't have time to eat all of the apples that he has collected for her. She ends up with a whole cage full of apples. Miss Piggy also loves participating in Reading time!

Freckles and Fifi (our finches) are new to our class this year. They have laid four eggs that we were very excited about. However, I don't think that they are going to hatch. I explained this to the class (that they do not always hatch) and we named them "baby maybes" for this very reason. Freckles and Fifi have a beautiful chirp and often participate in class discussion!

Okay, so now you have met our class pets. Now, parents, when your child comes home talking about Miss Piggy or Freckles and Fifi, you will know who they are talking about! :-)

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