Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Class Full of FRIENDS!

In Health we have been learning about feelings, respecting others, and friends. Our kids have done such a great job participating in the lessons each day, learning the vocabulary, and using what they have learned in their daily interactions with each other. Today, as an ending activity to the theme, we all made friendship bracelets. Mrs. Malcom brought her fancy bead making kit from home and everyone was given the opportunity to make their bracelets. Ms. Malcom, Mrs. Stowe, and Mrs. Higdon were prepared to help, as needed, because the beads were so small and they were being strung on fishing line. We were so proud to see that none of the students needed our assistance and they all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the activity!
DeAsia (below) LOVED making her bracelet. She was focused and so serious the entire time!

Enoch worked very hard and made a beautiful bracelet!

This was Eliana's kind of activity. Each student was also given a seashell to place on their bracelets to represent our current classroom theme (Under the Sea)!

Lucy also made a beautiful bracelet!

Friendship bracelet making is serious business to Enoch! Ha! Ha!

Even Ms. Malcom joined the fun and had a blast!

In traditional DeAsia style, she had to give Ms. Malcom a huge hug!

We've always "preached" that we are friends with everyone in our class! Ms. Malcom, Mrs. Higdon, and Mrs. Stowe make it a point to model respectful, friendly social interactions with each other so that our students will do the same! What a wonderful group of friends we are! I can say we all truly enjoy one another! The picture below is one of my favorite. Its of all of our friendship bracelets!

...because we're the best of friends!!

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